Anxiety: symptoms, causes, treatment & support
Anxiety is one of the most common issues people experience and we’ve all felt anxious, especially at certain times. It’s normal to feel anxious and sometimes this can be a good thing. However, for some, these feelings are harder to control, can feel unbearable and have a negative effect on their everyday life. If you […]
Keeping warm this winter
A mixture of Brexit, the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and inflation have sent everyday costs soaring, especially energy bills. That’s why automotive charity Ben have put together their tips on insulating your home, keeping warm in the most cost-efficient way and where to find more support if you need it. Insulate your home Making […]
A guide to improving your sleep
Nearly a quarter of people in Britain have problems with sleep on a regular basis, and almost half of us lose sleep because of stress or worries. After a poor night’s sleep, you will often feel tired, short-tempered and find it hard to focus. However, the odd night without sleep won’t harm your health. Yet, […]
Managing your money and planning ahead
These are uncertain times for all of us and money worries can be really stressful. Even if you’re OK at the moment, it pays to start planning in case money becomes an issue. Automotive charity Ben share their top tips to help save you time and energy – and importantly, money – when you might […]
Are you retirement ready? Plan your pension at any age!
Thanks to auto-enrolment which was introduced in 2012, more people are saving into a pension than ever before, but it still takes a bit of foresight and financial planning to ensure you have enough to live on when you retire. It’s never too early or too late to think about pensions. Automotive charity, Ben, share […]
How to eat well on a budget
Ben, the automotive industry charity, share their top 10 tips to help you eat healthily, whatever your budget. Why eating healthy is important There is a strong link between nutrition (what we eat) and our health & wellbeing. Eating a balanced diet is important as it plays a big part in looking after our overall […]
Helping you to ride out the rising cost of living
Ben, the automotive industry charity, has found that 1 in 5 people in the automotive community are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living, but there are many ways Ben can support people with money worries. Access these resources here. Putting food on the table. Filling your car at the pump. Heating […]