Mercedes, Hyundai and KIA add SERMI to their technical data pages

Mercedes, Hyundai and KIA add SERMI to their technical data pages


As we draw closer to the launch of Security-related Repair and Maintenance Information (SERMI), we are beginning to see manufacturers readying their systems for the launch with Mercedes, Kia and Hyundai adding SERMI gateways to the landing page on their technical portals.

SERMI is an umbrella scheme which will be delivered by different organisations in each European country.

For years, the IGA has been lobbying for access to manufacturers’ information, particularly security- related technical data, to assist members in effectively repairing cars. Appropriately audited garage operators and their authorised employees in the UK will have access to SERMI to the same level enjoyed by their European counterparts using the same framework as the EU SERMI scheme.

Any business or technician who works on or with vehicle security information – that’s information, software, parts or features that prevent a vehicle from being stolen and driven away, or which assist with tracking and recovery – will need a SERMI certificate in order to access this information from the manufacturers.

You can find out more about SERMI here.

For more information or to register for SERMI, you can complete an online expression of interest form, call us on 01788 225 908 or email

You can access the portals here:

Mercedes Portal:

Kia Portal:

Hyundai Portal: