Autodata Technical Issue 69 – Knocking noise from the RH front of a 2013 Citroën DS5 1,6
Each month the Autodata team answers a common technical question and provides a printable document with technical diagrams to download and keep, exclusively for IGA members.
Q. We are struggling to find the cause of a knocking noise from the RH front of a 2013 Citroën DS5 1,6 when driving over rough roads or when cornering. We have experienced the knocking noise on road test and we have checked the steering and suspension components which all seem to be OK. Are you aware of anything that could be causing the knocking noise?
A. Yes, we are aware of a knocking noise that occurs on Citroën DS5 models with 1,6 THP engine and it is due to excessive friction in the RH upper engine mounting. Apply manufacturer’s specification grease, available from Citroën parts department, to the contact surfaces of the RH upper engine mounting in the areas indicated (fig. 1.1.). Carry out road test to ensure knocking noise has been eliminated.
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